Solve the problem of rapid ejaculation।26 Benefits and medicinal properties of Apang tree।

 26 Benefits and medicinal properties of Apang tree

 Apang is an annual plant.  It is known by several names including Apang, Chirchire, Sisa Gandha, Rakta Apang, Uputlenga. It is usually in two colors, white and red.

 Apang plant grows all over the country. Herb is a national plant. This plant grows up to 1 meter tall. The branches are spread all around. The root has medicinal properties.  The leaves, seeds and stems have medicinal properties.

 Features of "Apang":

 1.  The branches are scattered around.

 2. The root has medicinal properties.

 3. Large curved cut flowers bloom at the tip of the stem.

 4. The flowers are small.

 5.  Apang is a small virut plant.

 "Apang" is used in the treatment

 1. Solve the problem of rapid ejaculation.

 Premature ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation, ejaculation  .

 Apang is usually called white and red or blood apang of two colors.  Rakta Apang, its roots should be collected on the same day and the next day on Tuesday at the waist.  Can hold with any thread or anything.  Then slowly start to benefit from the rapid release of semen.

 2.  Premature delivery

 If there is a possibility of premature delivery, there is no fear of premature delivery by the grace of Allah if the flower of Apang tree, i.e. the seedling that has not sprouted, is picked up from the root and tied to the waist of the pregnant woman.

 3.  To get rid of boiled pus

 Apply 10 grams of fresh leaves of Apang tree and 4 grams of Atap rice with cold water and apply it around the boil. Pus and contaminated blood comes out from inside. However, it needs to be applied 2-3 times a day.

 4.  Ringworm disease

 The dry stalks of the Apang tree should be burnt to make alkali. 6 grams of that alkali and olive sesame oil should be rubbed on the gums. Insha Allah, it will be beneficial in 4-5 days.

 5.  Cut and bleeding

 If the wound is cut or cut with a sharp weapon and the blood comes out, the fresh juice of Apang will be given to the cut place and the bleeding will stop immediately. However, the amount of juice should be a little more.

 6. Prevent hair ripening

 Apply the amount of fresh roots of Apang and apply it on the whole head 2-3 hours before taking a bath in the afternoon. If used regularly for a few days, the hair color will be black on the one hand and new hair will grow on the other.  Apart from these, Apang works in duodenal disease, cholera disease, poisonous wound and buggy disease

 7. Urinary problems

 Apang's decoction (30 to 56 gm) taken thrice a day relieves urinary incontinence and urinates profusely.  It is widely used in inflammatory diseases as it increases urination.  Boil 56 gms of apang powder in 118 gms of water for 15 minutes and take the decoction from 30 gms to 57 gms thrice a day, it causes a lot of urination and reduces edema.

 8. Childbirth problems

 It works as a mild laxative.  Large doses accelerate labor pains, so it is often used to cause miscarriages.  Apang's ash contains a lot of potash so its ash is used as an antacid.

 9.  Crippled in the chest

 Those who have palpitations for a small reason should take a teaspoon of fresh Apang juice with cold water every morning for a while.  Then the heart will be strong.

 10.  Apanga is a problem of hunger

 Those who are not hungry and cannot digest by force play will make small pills with 6 percent apang root and 1 part black pepper and dry the pills in the shade and take one pill with water every morning and afternoon after meals.  This will create a normal appetite.

 11.  Toxic waste and insane treatment apang

 Insomnia is eliminated by taking the decoction of Apang.  23 grams of Apang root and 82 grams of white fennel root bark should be crushed together.  Mix one and a half liter of water and two and a half poya cow's milk with it and prepare 56 grams of decoction with firewood.  This decoction is given to the insane patient every morning to cure insanity.  The poison is destroyed by crushing the fresh leaves of Apang and applying it on the stings of poisonous insects.  The mad dog's venom is destroyed by playing with Apang's flower powdered sugar.

 12.  Disability in various diseases

 Eye Problems- Root pulp is used for opacity and inflammation of eye stones.

 To stop bleeding- The extract of Apang's roots stops bleeding.  Applying the juice of apang leaves on the cut site immediately stops the bleeding.

 13.  For boils- Apang

 The boil breaks easily if the leaves are coated with rice and wrapped around the mouth without boiling.

 14.  Colic pain- Colic pain Apang-

 Its ashes are mixed with honey and consumed.  Cough and Asthma- It also works well in cough and asthma.

 15.  If you have a fever

 If the fever rises after one day, the fever is cured by drinking the juice of the root of Apang tree twice a day.

 16.  When the hands and feet are cut off, the juice of young leaves is given and the bleeding stops.

 17.  Bleeding

 Bleeding stops when the apang leaves are cleaned, washed and juiced.

 18.  Edema

 Mix five to seven grams of apangache with the same amount of black cloud and boil it in two cups of water.  It is beneficial to take it two to three times a day.

 19.  Hemorrhoids

 Take 3 grams of Apang seeds and wash it well with warm rice washing water and play it once in the morning for 3-4 days regularly to stop the pain of hemorrhoids and bleeding.

 20  Scabies and itching

 Panituku should be drunk two to three times a day after sifting five grams of Apangacha with two cups of water.  If you drink it regularly for 10 to 15 days, you will get benefits.

 21.  Urinary tract infections

 Mix two to three teaspoons of leaf juice in a glass of coconut water and drink it two to three times a day.  It should be drunk regularly for seven to 10 days.

 22.  Chest throbbing

 Heart rate increases due to various reasons.  If you keep the juice of Apangacha root in the fridge and drink it on an empty stomach every morning without eating anything, it will be reduced.  However, it should be drunk for 10 to 15 days.

 23.  Toothache

 There are benefits to using it for toothache.  The dried powder of Apanga tree is used in the treatment of leprosy.  Apanga leaves cure gonorrhea and shortness of breath.  The juice of the leaves is used as an antidote to insect bites, for respiratory problems, ear and eye problems.  Seed powder mixed with butter and milk does not cause gallstones.

 24.  Inflammation / swelling of hands and feet

 The apangacha should be cut in half with 6 grams and mixed with the same amount of kalmegh and made into one cup with two cups of water.  After that, if you drink the filtered water, you will get relief from edema (swelling of hands and feet). If you drink it regularly two or three times a day, it will get better.

 25.  Scabies and itching

 In case of scabies and itching, cut the whole tree in half and mix the same amount of chirata and neem bark with two grams of water and make one cup.  Then you have to strain the water and drink the extract.  Drink twice a day regularly for 20 to 25 days.

 26.  Urinary tract infections

 Urinary tract infection will be better if the whole part of Apangache is finely ground and mixed with 5 to 6 grams of a glass of coconut water and drunk two or three times a day.  In this case you have to take it regularly for 8 to 10 days.

 27.  Cures stomach upset, cures skin diseases, rheumatism, syphilis and lung diseases.

 28.  Decoction is used for diarrhea, diarrhea, hyperthermia, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, inflammation of internal organs, dermatitis etc.

 Earlier this tree was seen on the side of the road, in the abandoned land but it is no longer seen.  This very valuable medicinal plant is on the verge of extinction.  Apang's tree is extremely beneficial for us.  It has many medicinal properties.  We should make proper use of it.

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